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Web Stream Recorder Pro is a program that allows you to save multimedia data streamscoming from the Internet or a LAN to your compute
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Web Stream Recorder Pro is a program that allows you to save multimedia data streamscoming from the Internet or a LAN to your computer. It can record music, video, radiobroadcasts and adult content. Having saved this data, you will be able to play them onyour computer without re-connecting to the Internet.

Web Stream Recorder Pro effectively solves two main problems that emerge when youattempt to save video/audio streams: intercepting the source address and saving thestream to the disk.

You can try to save multimedia data without using Web Stream Recorder Pro, but you willhave to find out the source URL yourself and to try to save this stream to the disk usinga regular download manager. Usually, it is very difficult to find out the URL. And, ifthe data stream is not a stream-on-demand, but a `live` stream, you will not be able tocope without our program.

Web Stream Recorder Pro can save Windows Media Audio/Video streams (files with theextensions ASF, WMA, WMV, WMX, NSC, WAX) and Shoutcast streams (files with the extension

Web Stream Recorder Pro has a number of additional features:- Supporting multiple simultaneous downloads.
- The program can work as a regular download manager.
- A Shoutcast stream is cut into a set of files (each track into its own file with the name from the track header).
- Simple and effective task scheduler.
- Saving video clips from the computer screen. This feature allows you to save streams that cannot ordinarily be saved. For example, video in MSN and Yahoo messengers, web chats and more.
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